We assist women leaders across Indonesia in driving climate solutions

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Women's Earth Alliance (WEA) believes that when women thrive, the Earth thrives.

WEA is on a mission to protect our environment, end the climate crisis, and ensure a just, thriving world by empowering women’s leadership. Since 2019, Pratisara Bumi Foundation has partnered with WEA to build an alliance of Indonesian women environmental leaders. We have organized multiple programs focusing on leadership, entrepreneurship, and impact.


WEA Indonesia Grassroots Accelerator


In recognition of the critical role that Indonesian women play in environmental and climate leadership, both nationally and internationally, and the acute support they need to grow their impact, WEA launched the Indonesia Women’s Earth Alliance Grassroots Accelerator.


The program connects and engages environmental women leaders across Indonesia in enhancing their leadership skills and network to build lasting solutions for climate issues. Since 2019, we have implemented 4 WEA grassroots accelerator programs, and achieved the following impact:



Environmental women leaders improved technical & leadership skills


People within our leaders’ communities benefited


Areas of important ecosystem protected and sustainably managed


Provinces in Indonesia


Rural Climate and Economy Resilience Accelerator (RuCLER)


RuCLER assists the country’s rural communities in achieving their goals for growth and development while maintaining their distinctive rural characters and natural resources. The program targets women leaders with economic empowerment to build sustainability-focused enterprises that benefit their communities and protect our planet.

Communal Forest


Communal Forest is a project aimed at redistributing resource management and strengthening the food sovereignty of Indonesia’s rural communities.

Our two pilot forests in two provinces of Indonesia are integrated with WEA’s Rural Climate and Economic Resilience program to support the value chain of the participating businesses. Our ongoing milestones include:




established in East Nusa Tenggara & Bali



trained in forest planting &  monitoring



planted in 1.1 Ha land



established to provide additional income for the community


Alumni Engagement



Ripple Accelerator is the latest program from Women’s Earth Alliance, dedicated to alumni of the WEA Indonesia Grassroots Accelerator Program. This program consists of lighter capacity-building sessions designed to help alumni deepen and expand the impact of the work they have done with WEA. At the end of the program, all leaders receive a significant amount of funding to realize their action plans.



PARA PARA is a series of hybrid events designed and organized by alumni as a collective learning platform dedicated to WEA leaders and their networks.

More than just a meeting, these events serve as a platform for WEA Indonesia members to gather regionally, share their initiatives, learn, and connect with a support ecosystem that can expand their impact.


What did they say about our programs?


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