Accelerating the Ecosystem for Green Business and Investment through Ekonomi Membumi Coalition

In pursuing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and green investment in Indonesia, a multi-stakeholder coalition is crucial to amplify our positive impact on the environment, society, and economy.

With the initial mission of Pratisara Bumi Foundation to foster sustainable economic development in Indonesia that is based on local wisdom, PBF launched the #EkonomiMembumi campaign through its INKURI program. Now, #EkonomiMembumi is scaling up nationwide into a multi-stakeholder coalition under the Koalisi Ekonomi Membumi (KEM) or Economy Membumi Collectives. Numerous like-minded organizations are working hand in hand for the next five years with the Collectives, promoting the growth of the green investment ecosystem for Indonesian micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Recently, the Collectives held a Matchmaking session that connected dozens of MSMEs, investors, donors, government, and MSMEs enablers as the stakeholders of green investment. The session comprised of socialization and consultation activities on the Sustainable Investment Guideline (SIG), aiming to help MSMEs in navigating through the landscape of impact investing in Indonesia. 

Initiated by one of the KEM members, Supernova Ecosystem conducted this Matchmaking session on June 24, 2022, at Courtyard by Marriott Nusa Dua Bali. This session has involved 14 KEM members namely ANGIN, ASYX, Econusa, Impact Hub Jakarta, Impala Network, Instellar, LTKL, Pandegha, Pratisara Bumi Foundation, SIAP, Stockholm Environment Institute, Supernova Ecosystem, Swadaya, TAL; and several Ministries/Departments namely Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and SMESCO.

The Matchmaking session began with lunch and continued with a speed dating between MSMEs and potential investors or donors. Around 47 MSMEs were pitching their ideas such as MY.CL, Twalen, Ladang Lima, and Oterra; 14 capital investment organizations such as ADM Capital, SWEEF, MDI, and Moonshot as well as international donors such as CLUA, USAID, and JCAF expanding their investment pipeline. The session was continued with a moderated discussion to collect feedback and inputs from investors/donors and MSMEs regarding the SIG, and it ended with a networking dinner.

The networking and dynamics throughout the Matchmaking session have enabled a gotong royong (mutual-cooperation) ecosystem that is productive and constructive. MSMEs expanded their network while investors and donors were introduced to a green investment opportunity. On the other hand, KEM collected inputs for the SIG that is yet to be published.

In the near future, KEM aims to publish the Sustainable Investment Guide, Declaration Signing, and showcase green MSMEs through the Sustainable Investment Gallery at G20 and B20 Summit in November 2022. Through these efforts, KEM is ambitious to achieve the goal of USD 200 million investment for 100 green MSMEs by 2027.