Posts in INKURI
Accelerating the Ecosystem for Green Business and Investment through Ekonomi Membumi Coalition

With the initial mission of Pratisara Bumi Foundation to foster sustainable economic development in Indonesia that is based on local wisdom, PBF launched the #EkonomiMembumi campaign through its INKURI program. Now, #EkonomiMembumi is scaling up nationwide into a multi-stakeholder coalition under the Koalisi Ekonomi Membumi (KEM) or Economy Membumi Collectives. Recently, the Collectives held a Matchmaking session that connected dozens of MSMEs, investors, donors, government, and MSMEs enablers as the stakeholders of green investment, aiming to help MSMEs in navigating through the landscape of impact investing in Indonesia.

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Maximizing the Potential of Dukuh Village, Bali, through Eco-Friendly Gebang Home Design

More than half of Indonesian citizens are living in the city. Each year, more and more people are leaving their villages to move to urban areas. This trend is predicted to continue until 2045, with around 70% of the population living in the city. Many people migrate from villages to urban areas as cities are often deemed to be more developed - more opportunities and better education. However, this claim may not be entirely true.

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