Cultural Acceleration, Foundation for Developing Papua's Human Resources in the 21st Century

"Culture must be the foundation and stepping stone for entering the 21st century, especially amidst the rampant digital expansion in almost all aspects, with the economy as the main motivation. The Papua Cultural Week 2024 at SAI is about how cultural-based education serves as the foundation for developing 21st-century human resources in Papua to realize the future narrative of Papua."

Mr. Eng Go, founder of the Alirena Foundation overseeing the Indonesian Children's School (Sekolah Anak Indonesia in English/SAI)

The Indonesian Children's School (SAI) is a boarding school starting from grade 4 of elementary school, junior high school, up to grade 12 of high school specifically for students from underprivileged areas. With the vision of "Nation's Children Who Love and Have Their Region," the school believes that the greatest wealth of this country is the potential of children from various corners of the nation. They are pearls and diamonds that need to be honed as the future successors of the nation without forgetting the culture of their birthplace.

SAI carries out the mission of an Integrated Learning Environment as a curriculum that views education as a holistic process, considering the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities, and life skills of students. Focused on each level of education and the developmental stages of learners, for elementary school, they are encouraged to become experts in their villages by getting to know the culture of their hometowns to be integrated into every lesson at school. Continuing to junior high school, they are introduced to technology as a direct practice in finding solutions to issues in their areas, and at the high school level, they are encouraged to become entrepreneurs by developing the potential of natural resources in their hometowns.

As one of the efforts to provide space for Papua's children to express themselves and showcase their cultural works to the wider community, SAI held the Papua Cultural Week 2024 in Sentul, Bogor with the theme "Cultural Acceleration, Foundation for Developing Papua's Human Resources in the 21st Century." Throughout the week, it brought together many figures, cultural seminars, performances of Papuan cultural arts, panel discussions, various works of Papua's children, cultural studies of Papua and modernization, as well as installations of Papua's living spaces from past to present (past Papua, present Papua, and future Papua) directly prepared by the children.

Seeing the aligned vision with the #IndigenousTechnology campaign and the programs run by the Pratisara Bumi Foundation, there was an opportunity to attend and share our campaign with the children at SAI in several sessions. One was during a session on typical Papua cuisine featuring speaker Charles Toto (Papuan Jungle Chef), who demonstrates and shares the creations of #Pangan from the eastern archipelago.

"We can be creative and learn many dishes from Indonesian cuisine, but don't forget to return to your village" - he said.

And a discussion with an architect focusing on cultural architecture development, Yori Antar (UMA Nusantara).

"We work for the fields, we work for the gardens, we work for the forests," 

One of Mr. Yori's statements was taken from the Asmat tribe to convey the message that #Papan culture is inherited through traditional houses, from structure, materials, conservation methods, and inherent values that sustain and support the community that inhabits it.

Talking about culture is complete with the colorful music formed by Papua's culture, and also fashion that marks the pattern of life of a culture embodied in the dressing style. Through the expression of this #Sandang session, we were entrusted to be judges in a Papua fashion competition. Not only bringing fashion styles but also values that include the hopes of children by bringing ancestral values to stay alive in the present and future.

Education and the ecosystem created between teachers and students as a strong symbiosis for energy in envisioning Indonesia's future, Papua becomes a strong human resource in the current civilization. Papua will provide the greatest contribution to Indonesia, and Papua will grow potential children ready to compete in the era of globalization through culture, technology, and entrepreneurship. Stay tuned for our collaboration to build sustainable human resources ecosystems across Indonesia!

Written by: Putri Adnyaningsih - Campaign & Engagement Officer